핀테크 입문 과정인 「헬로 핀테크」 과정을 소개합니다. 수료증 발급을 위해서는 별도로 핀에듀 홈페이지에서 회원가입 및 로그인 후, 교육을 수강하셔야 합니다. AI와 핀테크의 만남이 궁금하신 분들은 “AI 역량강화”탭을 클릭해 보세요. ※강의 수강을 위해 PC환경에서 핀에듀 플랫폼으로 접속해 주세요. (모바일 불가)※

강의 수강은 핀에듀 플랫폼에서 PC로만 하실 수 있습니다.(모바일 불가) 수강을 위해서는 별도로 핀에듀에 회원가입 및 로그인이 필요합니다. 완강 시 마이페이지에서 수료증이 발급됩니다. 자세한 사항은 매뉴얼을 확인해주세요.

September 28, 2022 (Wed)

Opening Ceremony and Keynote Speech
This session provides opportunities to experience domestic and global Fintech industry and policy trends through congratulatory speeches and keynote speeches by various domestic and foreign speakers.
Chairman of the Financial Services Commission (Host), Chairman of the Fintech Center Korea (Organizer), Keynote Speaker, Heads of Related Institutions, CEOs of Fintech and Financial Companies, Celebrities from Home and Aborad, and others
Learn about the Fintech Policies of 2022
Listen to different opinions and learn/share about the future direction of Fintech Policies in 2022.
Financial Services Commission, Financial Supervisory Service, Korea Growth Investment Corp. and others
Success Cases of Fintech
Yeonghan Byeon Fintech center Korea CEO, Hae Won Kwon PAYCOQ CEO, Kim Richard H Paywatch Korea CEO, LEE HYUNG JOO GradeHealthChain Co.Ltd CEO, Dongsu Kim Mindslab Inc Vice President, Kiwoong Kwak Kross Finance KOREA Co. CEO, Kyungdong Kim Allink Co. Ltd. CEO, KIM NAMSEOK 2HAE LIFESTYLE CEO&FOUNDER
Current status and challenges of Korean Fintech overseas expansion
This session will share information on domestic and foreign Fintech industry trends and companies post COVID-19 to promote scale-up and overseas expansion of domestic Fintech companies.
Sei-Ho, Kim KPMG Partner, Michael Hauer Munich Re Korea branch CEO, Gyu-Lim Kim KPMG Director, Jung-Seok Kang AIZEN Global CEO, Jung-Eun Kim SmallTicket CEO, Soo-Hyun Ahn Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Law School Professor, Woo-Young Choi Lee & Ko Partner
Finance and Consumer Protection in the Digital Era
This session will assess finance, Fintech, and consumer protection in the digital era.
Byung Chil Kim Financial Supervisory Service Deputy Governor, In Hyun Kim 2e Consulting CEO, Soo-Hyun, Ahn Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Law School Professor, Yoo Shin Jung Dean of MoT Sogang University Professor, Sungwon Jang Korea Fintech Industry Association Secretary General, Bongkyu Kim NH Bank Head of Center, Yong Tae Kim Financial Supervisory Service Director General
Embedded Finance and Insurance
Come understand the embedded insurance (financial) market, and examine and discuss the strategies of market participants and various issues that may arise.
Jaehee Son Korea Insurance Research Institute Research Fellow, Kwanghyun Lee OPENPLAN CEO, Misoo Choi Seoul Digital University ProfessorFinancial Supervisory Service Deputy Governor, Hyoung-Goo Kang Hanyang University Associate, Soon-Jae Lee Professor, Taeyoung Hwang KPMG Partner, Inchang Hwang Korea Insurance Research Institute Research Fellow
Development of digital financial platform:
Role of open banking and future of innovative finance
While explaining the financial platform development strategy of innovative companies leading the digital transformation and the role of open banking (innovative financial infrastructure), we will be taking a close look into balanced development directions of digital financial platforms and the future of innovative finance.
Jinwoo Lee 3PROTV co-CEO, Hyungkeun Song KakaoBank Corp. Team Lead, Hyungkeun Song KakaoBank Corp. Team Lead, Sumin Lim Banksalad Squad Lead, Sungbok Lee Korea Capital Market Institute Senior Research Fellow, Mr. Soulysak Thamnuvong Bank of the Lao PDR Director General, Donghyun Kim KFTC Team Manager
Application of Fintech to access repayment capability of low-income or low-credit people
In this session, topics related to the use of non-financial information and collaboration between fintech companies will be discussed with an aim to develop a credit rating model specialized for ordinary people.
Jaeyeon Lee KINFA CEO, Jeongah YOON Korea Credit Bureau Deputy General Manager, MJ KIM CrePASS Solutions Inc. CEO, Donghan KIM FINDA Lead, Gunther HA Kakaobank Team Leader, Jaecheol Shim KINFA General Manager
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